Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Machine Learning and Drug Discovery


(Figure 1). Image extracted from source 1: Uma Introdução à tecnologia Deep Learning para Produção. (n.d.). Retrieved September 29, 2020, from

    Have you ever wondered what Machine Learning really is? This is a term that gets thrown around a lot, but how does that differ from conventional programming? Well, machine learning is the branch of computer science that studies and develops learning algorithms for machines. In conventional programming the goal is to give the computer specific instructions -algorithm - to perform the desired task.  On the other hand, in machine learning the goal is to create a generalized set of instructions which allows the machine to learn from data/experience and generate its own algorithms to perform the desired task 2. One example I like to use to depict this difference is chess. Imagine you had never played chess before and I gave you two manuals. The first manual consists of a over a billion positions in the chess board and the exact move you should play when faced with each position. However, the second manual consists of a couple pages explaining how each piece is allowed to move, the goal of the game, and the few exceptions to the rules 3. In this case the first manual would be comparable to regular programming while the second manual resembles machine learning. With the first manual you would not need to know anything about chess and you would still be able to play very effectively, whereas with the second manual you would need to play/watch many games to achieve a similar level of play. Just like humans, machine learning systems require extensive training to become proficient at a task. Because of this kind of similarity to us it is considered a form of artificial intelligence (AI). 


(Figure 2) “Regular Programming Vs Machine Learning”. Created by Author using Adobe Illustrator.

   Aside from serving as inspiration for great dystopian movie franchises such as The Terminator and The Matrix, AI is actually becoming a very useful tool in modern society. One of the most promising fields for the application of AI is pharmacology. Here machine learning has been used to predict interactions between drugs and their targets, generating new useful molecules, and predicting absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, and toxicity 4.  The vast amount of data generated by experiments and clinical trials over the years is a rich tool for the development of systems that can improve the process of drug discovery 5. These improvements would not only help bring about more effective drugs but could also address a major barrier to drug development, the extensive time and money that is required for this process. Currently it takes about 1-2 billion dollars and 12-15 years of research to develop a drug from scratch 6.

    But how are these machine learning algorithms able to extract information from complex chemical     structures? One way this can be accomplished is through a technique called one-hot encoding. This is     how it works, first, we must take a graphical chemical structure, translate it into the SMILES chemical language, and then transform it into a binary table as shown in the figure below 7. This step makes it easier for machine learning algorithms to work with the data. Once chemical structures are written in this format, they can be integrated with other information about properties of the molecules such as target interactions, toxicity, distribution, etc. Data on a large number of drugs allows AI systems to generate algorithms capable of inferring structures for new molecules with the desired properties. Even-though this process is still in the early experimental stages, it has already shown promise by aiding in the discovery of new dopamine receptor ligands 8.

(Figure 3) “One-hot Encoding Workglow”. Image extracted from source 7: Blaschke, T., Olivecrona, M., Engkvist, O., Bajorath, J., & Chen, H. (2018). Application of Generative Autoencoder in De Novo Molecular Design. Molecular Informatics, 37(1–2), 1700123.

    We are just starting to scratch the surface of what AI aided drug development can accomplish. With further improvements in computational power, learning algorithms, and the increasing amount of data available these techniques should become more efficient and widespread throughout the years 9. Another interesting area for development will be the integration of drug discovery and pharmacogenomics through machine learning. One day this technology may assist us in developing drugs catered to people with variants of a gene that render conventional treatments less effective or dangerous. With that being said, there will still be plenty room for humans to work in drug development. The goal is not to substitute people but rather to integrate machine and human intelligence so that both sides can work where they are best suited 10. In this manner, machines will be able to provide us with insight and improve the quality of our work. I believe that AI has great potential in many areas of human endeavor including drug development. But as any other powerful new tool we must be wise in going forward to augment its benefits while deterring its pitfalls.



By: Bernardo Aguzzoli Heberle


1.      Uma Introdução à tecnologia Deep Learning para Produção. (n.d.). Retrieved September 29, 2020, from

 2.      Michie, D., Spiegelhalter, D. J., & Taylor, C. C. (1994). Machine learning. Neural and Statistical Classification, 13(1994), 1-298.

3.      Silver, D., Hubert, T., Schrittwieser, J., Antonoglou, I., Lai, M., Guez, A., Lanctot, M., Sifre, L., Kumaran, D., Graepel, T., Lillicrap, T., Simonyan, K., & Hassabis, D. (2018). A general reinforcement learning algorithm that masters chess, shogi, and Go through self-play.

 4.      Hessler G, Baringhaus KH. Artificial Intelligence in Drug Design. Molecules. 2018;23(10):2520. Published 2018 Oct 2. doi:10.3390/molecules23102520

 5.      Jing Y, Bian Y, Hu Z, Wang L, Xie XQ. Deep Learning for Drug Design: an Artificial Intelligence Paradigm for Drug Discovery in the Big Data Era [published correction appears in AAPS J. 2018 Jun 25;20(4):79. Xie XS [corrected to Xie XQ]]. AAPS J. 2018;20(3):58. Published 2018 Mar 30. doi:10.1208/s12248-018-0210-0

 6.   DiMasi, J.A.; Hansen, R.W.; Grabowski, H.G. The price of innovation: New estimates of drug development.

 7.      Blaschke, T., Olivecrona, M., Engkvist, O., Bajorath, J., & Chen, H. (2018). Application of Generative Autoencoder in De Novo Molecular Design. Molecular Informatics, 37(1–2), 1700123.

 8.      Madapa S, Gadhiya S, Kurtzman T, Alberts IL, Ramsey S, Reith M, Harding WW. Synthesis and evaluation of C9 alkoxy analogues of (-)-stepholidine as dopamine receptor ligands. Eur J Med Chem. 2017 Jan 5;125:255-268. doi: 10.1016/j.ejmech.2016.09.036. Epub 2016 Sep 14. PMID: 27688181; PMCID: PMC5148686.

 9.      Dana D, Gadhiya SV, St Surin LG, et al. Deep Learning in Drug Discovery and Medicine; Scratching the Surface. Molecules. 2018;23(9):2384. Published 2018 Sep 18. doi:10.3390/molecules23092384

 10.    Topol, E.J. High-performance medicine: the convergence of human and artificial intelligence. Nat Med 25, 44–56 (2019).


  1. Bernardo,

    Thank you for this excellent summary of machine learning concepts. Funny, I am actually doing some prior art searching for an invention disclosure at U.K. (i work as a fellow for the OTC) in which this machine learning concept was applied to understand determine Rick factors and bio markers of ischemic strokes. I am much better able to understand their invention now, thanks to your excellent description. As a drug discovery scientist myself, I do have a few questions about the applications of this technology. First, how is it different than traditional computational chemistry/modeling? Second, does this platform take into account various medicinal chemistry parameters such as lipinksi's rule of five, or how are "good" targets differentiated from "bad" targets?

  2. This is a great explanation of machine learning. Before reading this my grasp on the concept was not great and I was unaware of the potential for use in drug discovery. Given enough time and information it seems this will be an invaluable addition to the field. I am especially interested in its potential for predicting adverse effects. Has it been utilized in a way to not only look for desired effects but also any off-target effects that would make a drug less desirable to develop?

  3. Very interesting article on machine learning and artificial intelligence. You mentioned how machine learning should not entirely replace the human aspect in research and development, but instead work together. What checks and balances do you think there must be in order to successfully produce the desired outcomes?

  4. I love reading about topics where biomedical sciences intersect with AI and programming. Machine learning is powerful tool. I have been currently reading various papers on de novo drug synthesis using in silico methods and right now researchers are using like the Desmond module on What are your thoughts on Big Data to incorporate past stored knowledge of certain drug-receptor/ligand-drug interactions and incorporating machine language to generate new drugs?

  5. This was a very good explanation of machine learning. I actually had not heard the term before, I had only heard of the traditional computer science programming and AI. Your explanation using chess was very helpful in simplifying the differences! I also agree with your view that AI will be very helpful in the future in a lot of areas but especially drug development. People who are skeptical of AI do bring up one good point, how accurate are the outcomes these programs produce? If the program says a drug with a certain chemical structure will cure an illness, is that enough to let it go to human trials? How would someone test the drug for efficacy and safety in humans while also trying to speed up the process of the drugs' development?

  6. I enjoyed your blog post. The new frontier of machine learning AI is an exciting venture in the integration of next generation technology and modern medicine. I especially look forward to when Machine learning gets integrated with quantum computing and see an unprecedented leap forward in treatment. Do you think the risks of running farther than WE can see with these technologies as a bad thing or just the natural order futuristic progression? The question I always wondered was how the computer 'saw' chemical structures, and seeing now that SMILES language is an interesting solution.

  7. It's always great seeing how machine learning is able to increase efficiency in so many fields! In the drug development process, do you think machine learning would primarily be used for identification of target drugs for potential studies or does it have some use during the clinical trial process as well?

  8. This was a very informative article, and I loved the chess analogy to tie these concepts together. Although I knew the concept of AI, I did not fully understand its role in modern medicine. While you say that the ultimate goal of machine intelligence is not to replace human intelligence, but rather enhance personalized medicine, do you think that there is a fine line of where the use of AI minimizes the importance of scientist's knowledge?

  9. This is great explanation of machine learning and actually directly correlates to the novel drug development I researched for our COVID-19 case study! The research I was looking into used a software program to computationally design novel peptides that could potentially bind and inhibit the SARS-CoV-2 virus from entering human cells. This new software was able to use a data bank of previously known natural peptides and their affinities for the receptor (ACE2) that COVID-19 targets and binds to; now they are able to computationally design artificial peptides that could be developed into a drug and possess antiviral activity. The software allows them to assess relative affinities of various peptides and experimentally discover which amino acid residues exhibit the properties they're looking for, without have to perform time extensive manual labor. I agree, this new development of AI and machine learning will have a huge impact in science, as well as pharmacology for our future. I believe it will greatly increase drug development for a diverse number of diseases, and is able to rapidly test whether a drug will be effective, without all of the leg-work that past generations had to endure.

  10. Okay I will try this again (its like my third time posting a reply to this smh) but I think it was a great article. I wonder how this will be used in the future especially with he use of mABs and other molecular drugs that are not necessary composed this way. I do see this being very effective at helping to identify de novo drug treatments in the future. Thanks for sharing

  11. I can see the incorporation of machine learning greatly reducing the cost and time associated with drug development. With all the data and reference points collected through the development process of time it would only get better. I didn't know there was a language like SMILES and encoding like One-hot, it just further proves that something like this possible and can be closer to becoming a reality that expected.

  12. I am vaguely familiar with the concept of machine learning and found your simplified explanation of the mechanism very helpful and interesting. Your research on the use of machine learning in the discovery of new drugs shed a light on a potentially superior method in drug development. It did get me thinking about a potential use of machine learning in the world of pharmacology that may not be as far off. It seems as though machine learning can be used to maximize the effectiveness of therapeutics that already exist. Since a good percentage of the human genome does not vary from person to person, machine learning could take the vast number of different drugs and their different mechanisms of action and compute algorithms that can be used to identify the best way existing drugs can be used to treat various diseases/conditions. Or it could possibly be used in an opposite fashion and produce algorithms based off human genes or mutations in specific genes to provide the most effective treatment options for a given condition. This is all way above my head, but the potential uses of machine learning seem to be endless.

  13. Wow! This was very interesting, I had no knowledge at all of this machine learning concept. It would be interesting to see the drug development through this process compared to the current methods in todays world.
