Wednesday, October 7, 2020

One Pill Fits All: The 3D Printing of Drugs


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 The other day I sat with my grandmother, watching her set up her pillbox. There were morning and night pills, once-daily pills, twice-daily pills, big pills and small pills. I sat there thinking, “I can hardly go a week without losing my wallet or keys; there is no way I could ever be so organized as to keep straight this medication regimen”. I thought there must be a better answer for this, and thankfully, scientists over the last 40 years have been working diligently on a solution: 3D printing of drugs. First patented in the 1986 by Charles Hull5, this technology is the precipice at which the future of personalized medicine lies; it could truly be the next major revolution in treating patients who are vulnerable to drug toxicity or failure to follow recommended therapies. With 3D drug printing, the possibility exists that instead of 16 pills per day, my grandmother could take one pill, with exactly the right concentration of each active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) personalized to her needs.

Additive manufacturing, or 3D printing, has been a rapidly expanding field in which innovation has driven this technology to applications in practically every industry which currently exists. The market for 3D printing is valued at $13.68 billion dollars for 2020, and is predicted to grow up to a worth in excess of $35B12 as aggressive research and development takes place over the next several decades. There are several techniques with which an object can be created; each involves a layer-by-layer manufacturing process in which the object is first designed from a computer, and then the blueprint is transmitted to the printing equipment (for additional information into how 3D printing works, I suggest this video). This technique has been used already in the medical field for decades; there are people walking around with 3D printed limbs, rib cages, and jaws. Much like these devices are custom made for individuals, the pharmacotherapy of the 55% of American people who take a prescription medicine can be customized in the same way. Indeed, with Americans taking more prescription drugs than ever, it is no shock that 1.3 million people have ended up in the emergency room to be treated for adverse events related to their medications7. This serves as a crucial reminder that we must work to reduce inadvertent drug overdoses and toxic interactions, and increase patient compliance and overall prognosis through their polypharmacy regimens.  All of these  can potentially be accomplished by 3D printing medicines.

Figure 1: Dose flexibility scheme shown for different patient populations, where each pill has precisely the amount of API needed. 

3D drug printing has several key advantages over traditionally mass-produced pills3,8,9:

1)     Provides dose flexibility, with tailored release profiles and pharmacokinetics

2)     Reduces waste in terms of mass-manufacturing and transport of conventional drugs

3)     Provides opportunity for mass production in remote locations (i.e. disaster zones, outer space, etc.)

The dose flexibility is the most commonly toted benefit, and for good reason.  Being able to change not only the identity of the API as well as their shape can alter the way drugs are released and transported around the body, enhancing both pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the medicine. 

Figure 2: Printlets showcasing the variety of shapes that can be created. Pills which are less dense will increase the speed of absorption. Also, compliance of pediatric patients may increased by utilizing more interesting shapes and incorporating various flavors. From:

    It is well known that  drug therapy is complicated for certain populations. For example, older people generally have several comorbidities, which may have disease-related decreases in organ functioning. Pharmacogenomics studies have revealed that many of us have different levels of expression for metabolic enzymes which has implications for drugs toxicity.  As an example, we have discussed, warfarin in our 422G course, which is metabolized by a CYP2C9 enzyme. This particular enzyme has common genetic frequencies across patients with different ages and ethnicities6.  Thus,  for a patient with abnormal CYP2C9 expression, critically dangerous levels of warfarin can be avoided by taking a 3D printed drug. Children also have a documented need for customized medications.  According to the European Medicines Agency, many products are simply not produced in doses or formulations which meet the safety standards for pediatrics11. Because drugs can be designed with precise spatial control and geometries, fewer excipients and APIs are needed as well1. This could substantially bring down medication costs for drugs, especially those of rare diseases such as spinal muscular atrophy, where one annual course of treatment can run about $2 million2. When one thinks about the logistical benefits of 3D printing, it is easy to see the carbon footprints of mass-scale drug production begin to slowly dissipate. Fuel and energy consumption, as well as the necessary resources to maintain those drugs which are temperature sensitive, would drop to more sustainable levels8, and bring cost savings in the billions according to FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb7. Lastly, 3D printing requires few resources in terms of space and operation of the equipment. This would provide critical medications at the point of care for patients in areas which aren’t reliably accessible can drastically improve outcomes of patients who otherwise may have gone untreated3.

       As we continue to navigate the technologies being developed at break-neck speeds, we must also keep in mind the ethical and regulatory considerations necessary to harness the power of these technologies and ensure they are applied in a safe manner to the global population. The first truly 3D printed drug was brought to market in 2016 by Aprecia4, a major milestone in the industry of pharmaceuticals. However,  there are still many hurdles we must cross before 3D drug printing reaches its full pharmacologic potential. Currently, the FDA has not been able to fully translate the regulatory pathways used for conventional drug manufacture to that of 3D printing of drugs, a process known as good manufacturing practices.  These practices state that all parts of the additive manufacturing printer must be able to be easily cleaned, and the printer must be validated to fabricate the pills between acceptable parameter ranges. Quality control of the products remains a big concern as the safe level of reproducibility of certain products has not been achieved. New challenges surrounding personal data security, counterfeit production, and as previously stated, translating the good manufacturing practice protocols from traditional drug production to 3D printed medications, will continue to slow the progress of bringing this technology to mass scale9,12,13. Currently, none of the various techniques used to 3D print medications are fool-proof; some printers fabricate pills which are too friable, and others use heat or lasers which may degrade the API12. Until these regulatory needs are met, unfortunately, we are stuck with our imperfect prescribing system. However, the good news is that the FDA and the federal government are continuing to allocate funds to develop the clarity and architecture needed to one day bring 3D drug printing to the masses awaiting its life-saving benefits.

 For more information on this topic, I suggest this Ted talk by Daniel Kraft, who describes the process of biomanufacturing pharmaceuticals, and its application to personalized medicine.

By Amy L. Rice, Post-Baccalaureate student at the University of Kentucky 


1.     1.Awad, A., Trenfield, S. J., Goyanes, A., Gaisford, S., & Basit, A. W. (2018). Reshaping drug development using 3D printing. Drug Discovery Today, 23(8), 1547-1555. doi:

2.    2.  Chase, L. (2020, August 25). 10 Most Expensive Drugs in the U.S., Period - GoodRx. Retrieved September 22, 2020, from

3.   3.  Fan, D., Li, Y., Wang, X., Zhu, T., Wang, Q., Cai, H., . . . Liu, Z. (2020, January 28). Progressive 3D Printing Technology and Its Application in Medical Materials. Retrieved September 19, 2020, from

4.   4.  FDA approves first ever 3D printed drug product: Spritam. (2017, June 08). Retrieved September 19, 2020, from

5.   5. Hull, C. W., Modrek, B., Parker, B., Freed, R. S., Almquist, T., Spence, S. T., Albert, D. J., Smalley, D. R., Harlow, R. A., Stinebaugh, P., Tarnoff, H. L., Nguyen, H. D., Lewis, C. W., Vorgitch, T. J., Remba, D. Z., & Vinson, W. B. (1986). U.S. Patent No. US5137662A. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

6.    6. Koukouritaki, S. B., Manro, J. R., Marsh, S. A., Stevens, J. C., Rettie, A. E., McCarver, D. G., & Hines, R. N. (2004). Developmental Expression of Human Hepatic CYP2C9 and CYP2C19. The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 308(3), 956-974. doi:10.1124/jpet.103.060137

7.   7.   Lynch, M. (2019, February 01). Next step in personalized medicine enabled by 3D printing. Retrieved September 22, 2020, from

8.   8. Preidt, R. (2017, August 03). Americans Taking More Prescription Drugs Than Ever. Retrieved September 22, 2020, from

9.   9. Prasad, L. K., & Smyth, H. (2016). 3D Printing technologies for drug delivery: A review. Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy, 42(7), 1019-1031. doi:10.3109/03639045.2015.1120743

10 10.  Sandler, N., & Preis, M. (2016). Printed Drug Delivery Systems for Improved Patient Treatment. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences, 37(12), 1070-1080. doi:

1111. Scordo, M. G., Aklillu, E., & Ingelman-Sundberg, M. (2001). Genetic polymorphism of cytochrome P450 2C9 in a Caucasian and a black African population. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 52(4), 447-450. doi:10.1046/j.0306-5251.2001.01460.x

1212. Trenfield, S. J., Awad, A., Goyanes, A., Gaisford, S., & Basit, A. W. (2018). 3D Printing Pharmaceuticals: Drug Development to Front-line Care. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences, 39(5), 440-451. doi:10.1016/

1313. Zhu, X., Li, H., Huang, L., Zhang, M., Fang, W., & Cui, L. (2020). 3D printing promotes the development of drugs. Biomedicine and Pharmacology, 131. doi:

1414. 3D Printing Market Size & Share: Industry Trends Report, 2027. (2020, February). Retrieved September 22, 2020, from




  1. I also have family members who struggle with taking several medication on a daily basis. The idea of a single pill, specifically catered to an individual, would be a wonderful solution. I imagine 3D printed pills would be especially helpful to those with compromised cognitive abilities, making it easier for them or their caretakers to avoid missing or doubling up on doses. I do wonder about the practicality though. Printers would need to be reprogrammed and loaded with a different set of parameters for each person. Given the lines at the pharmacy every time I go I can't imagine how this would be handled. Would there be multiple printers at every pharmacy? Are there problems with the ability to mix medications (because of the density for speed of absorption) or has this already been done to some extent outside of 3D-printing?

  2. Hi Meagan, Thanks for your question. My understanding is that yes, pharmacies would stock multiple 3D printers. Because most pills are small, it takes a relatively quick time to print a tablet. Also, there would be more available space in a pharmacy since they would no longer need as much shelf space to hold physical bottles of every medication. As to your second question, generally, they have not found problems combining APIs; it's more of technical problems associated with the printer itself. AS shown in figure 2, pills can be printed in a variety of shapes, with slower release APIs being sequestered in a more dense portion of a pill, while an API needed for more quick absorption could have more surface area to facilitate that process. Hope that helps clear things up!

  3. Very interesting article Amy. I definitely think this would be very beneficial to a lot of people. Do you think that this would affect pharmaceutical companies negatively or do you think that this is something that they would be on board with?

  4. Great job Amy. This is a very interesting topic and 3D printing has a lot of potential as you pointed out. I like how you kept your writing relatable to the general audience by using day to day examples while also addressing important technicalities. My question to you is about reducing fuel and energy consumption with 3D printing. Wouldn't the active compounds still need to be produced at a factory, transported to the printing facilities and kept at the right temperature before being 3D printed into poly-pharmaceutical pills?

    1. No, the 3D printing machiens are capable of printing hte APIs (active pharmaceutical ingredient) themselves. Everything is self contained in the printing machine.

  5. This is really cool. I knew that 3D printing is revolutionary in terms of creating prosthetics and cheap yet effective lab equipment but I never really thought about pills. When I was reading your article I had two thoughts pop up. I am familiar with the 3-D printers that use plastic to create things, I wonder how it works with having multiple different compounds in one pill. The second thought that popped was drug abuse. Technological innovations become cheaper overtime and I am thinking about if a potential dealer gets a hand on a printer that makes pills unregulated and unlicensed.

  6. I never heard of something like this being done before, and I love the idea of it. With a family member progressing through the stages of cognitive decline sometime perfect organization isn't enough to be completely safe. This method of treatment seems like the logical pathway to simplifying the ever-growing need of care that is coming in the near future. My concern with this, is not that people aren't ready but are the businesses? With different companies holding different patents are they going to yield to have their drugs packaged with other drugs in some other facility? I hope that treatment options like this force the change in healthcare to a more patient focused model.

  7. This is such a cool potential strategy, both in the ease and personalization of drug production. However, I have a question similar to Bhavani's about the production of unregulated or unlicensed drugs. What kind of materials or substrates are used to 3D print these drugs, and how easy would it be to replicate this process outside of the regulations of the medical field?

  8. This novel strategy of drug development is very intriguing, I have personally never heard of or thought about this before, but it has potential for changing the future for our elderly population. I definitely see the potential set backs for implementing this in pharmacies, like you suggested; cleaning, contamination, quality control... do you think that the mixing of these compounds could be dangerous/toxic in any way? Such as the point you brought up, cytochrome P450 inhibitors which can interfere with drug metabolism. Also, do you believe there could be a solution to drugs that require administration twice daily? I know this is due to the compound exhibiting a short half-life, thus requiring multiple administrations to keep concentrations within a therapeutically beneficial window; do you propose maybe two 3-D printed capsules daily, one for the morning with part of the dosage and a night-time pill with only the drugs that are required twice daily? Overall, this is great idea for future generations to consider.

  9. I know I say this for most post but this is very interesting theory. I just can't imagine the feasibility of 3D printing of drugs. It would be so amazing to use this for personalized medicines especially in combination with future AI technologies as well. I just wonder how much this will actually cost the consumer and if that would drive people away from using this method. Thank you for sharing and loved the personal touch!

  10. In middle school I took a technology class, and it was there that I had my first experience with a 3-D printer (I got to make a key-chain!). Since then I have always been extremely fascinated with 3-D printers and have been amazed in their use in the medical community. As you specifically pointed out with 3-D printed limbs, ribs, or jaws. I had not heard of it being used for medicines. I think it is a great idea and could solve some of problems we see today like people having to take 20 medications at the time or seeing inadvertent events happening when people take their medications. I do agree that when the kinks are worked out that this will be a great idea in the future. With all the potential this has, I still did wonder about mixing of medications. Will there have to be trials ran with different combinations of medications to make sure they are still safe and effective? Or would we be able to rely on AI to run the trials that way? If there is only one pill being made for one person, how is the safety tested for it?

  11. This is a very interesting idea, and I think you hit the nail on the head as far as potential problems with this (contamination, pill quality, lack of space in pharmacies). I have concerns similar to Madeline that you didn't address and I'm interested to hear your thoughts on them. If the whole goal is to eliminate the amount of pills someone has to take daily, how do you get around this when it comes to pills that need to be taken multiple times a day? Another concern is drug-food interactions. What if some of the drugs are instructed to be taken on an empty stomach due to food interactions, but some drugs need to be taken with a meal?

  12. Great article. This is totally neat, and could possibly be benefical to patients that are on a lot of medication. But at the same time, patients that are on several medications that spread through out the day, are usually done so for the body to break down the medication to treat the disease or diagnosis without over medicating the patient. I would also worry about medications interacting with each other as well.

  13. I have always found 3D printing and additive manufacturing very interesting and a good idea due to the many benefits it brings. I even got to create and print a chess piece when I was younger in a engineering camp I was apart of. I think 3D printing drugs would be a great idea and will be used more often in the future. I would be curious though of if specific drug regimens where printed per patient the risk something like accidently overdosing by taking the medication more than one time in a day. like mentioned there are many things that would need to be ironed out but I think it would be interesting to see.

  14. I think this is a very interesting idea and something that I never thought we would see in our lifetime. The concept of personalizing dosages of pharmaceuticals that can be more specific than 5, 10, 15, or 20mg could be the answer for eliminating waste by both the manufacturer and the consumer. However, one concern that I have has to do with the capabilities of the 3D printer, itself, and the limitations of the compounds that could be compatible with the machine. I find it hard to believe that the pharmaceutical 3D printer could recreate every compound/chemical reaction needed to synthesize a drug. Also, I could see the initial costs of developing 3D printed drugs being astronomical since each drug would have to go through the FDA drug development process. It wouldn't be surprising if pre-existing drugs, such as Acetomenophine (Tylenol), could be included in a new drug development process because the efficacy/safety would need to be examined if it is synthesized in a different way. This potential problem could translate to increasing initial costs with increasing drug flexibility. I found this blog very enlightening and it will definitely be something to keep tabs on in the future.

  15. I think this and 3D printing in general is fascinating! How exactly would the pill know which time of day to release what particular drug they needed? Or would the dose change to become a delayed release once the one pill was taken?
